The Team

Principal and Creative Director
A full-on creative, blended with an obvious talent for strategic thinking, Yves comes armed with an enviable body of work which continues to evolve, and stand the test of time.

Co-Principal and Chaos Control Manager
Intensely organized, and the official wearer of many hats, she is committed to achieving the highest quality of professionalism for our clients.

Director of Information Technology
Loads of tech heavy experience paired with an insatiable curiosity and predisposition to "invent" makes his work invaluable on large and complex projects.

Amber M.
Passionate about design and detail rich content, Amber thrives with the wide diversity and challenges each client and project brings her way.

Web Developer
Described as an immensely gifted developer, his perfectionist streak and unique view of the web are priceless assets when it comes to design implementation.

Social Media Lead
With a passion for marketing and its changing trends, Leah ensures each project gets results in today’s evolving online channels.
“The most powerful element in advertising is the truth.” William Bernbach